Halloween Most Deadly Day of Year for Child Pedestrians
Horrifying. Terrifying. Heart-stopping.
Nothing is as scary as a child darting out in front of your car while you’re driving. On Halloween, that’s twice as likely to happen, and with deadly consequences. More children die from being struck by cars on Halloween than any other day of the year. The reasons are obvious: kids are out in the dark; they are excited and distracted; they run across mid-street rather than at corners; they are wearing masks and costumes that impair their vision, hearing and mobility.
As a driver, please be alert and practice extra precautions:
- Drive more slowly and watch for children who may jump out into the street unexpectedly.
- Take special caution in backing out of driveways, as small children may be completely unseen.
- If possible, try to get home early and avoid driving after dark.
As a parent:
- Make sure your child is visible – give them flashlights or glow-sticks.
- Escort young children and be aware they may suddenly stop and run back into the street to retrieve a costume mask or spilled candy.
- Go over the basic safety rules: stop and look both ways before crossing the street; cross only at corners; watch out for driveways.
And, remember this: pedestrians do not always have the right of way. Click here to read why
Have a safe Halloween.